Coffee Know-How

Die Kunst der Kaffeeernte

The art of coffee harvesting

The coffee harvest is crucial for quality and taste. Coffee cherries ripen for up to ten months in Ethiopian highland regions. Only red cherries are harvested, as green or overripe...

The art of coffee harvesting

The coffee harvest is crucial for quality and taste. Coffee cherries ripen for up to ten months in Ethiopian highland regions. Only red cherries are harvested, as green or overripe...

Kaffeeanbau: Bedingungen und Erntezeit

Coffee cultivation: conditions and harvest time

Growing coffee requires ideal conditions and skill. Ethiopia and Colombia use traditional methods. Arabica and Robusta dominate the market with their different requirements and flavors. The ripening time of the...

Coffee cultivation: conditions and harvest time

Growing coffee requires ideal conditions and skill. Ethiopia and Colombia use traditional methods. Arabica and Robusta dominate the market with their different requirements and flavors. The ripening time of the...

Die Reise des Kaffees durch die Jahrhunderte

The journey of coffee through the centuries

The history of coffee begins in Ethiopia, where shepherd Kaldi discovered that his goats were energetic after eating coffee cherries. In the 15th century, coffee reached Arabia and later Europe,...

The journey of coffee through the centuries

The history of coffee begins in Ethiopia, where shepherd Kaldi discovered that his goats were energetic after eating coffee cherries. In the 15th century, coffee reached Arabia and later Europe,...