We are Christiane Reppe and Stefan Meyer-Götz and we are rethinking coffee. Our shared passion for coffee and our striving for optimization have inspired us to develop a new approach to the world of coffee. We bring different backgrounds and experiences that make us a strong team.

Stefan was already the owner of a renowned coffee and cocoa roastery and was named Roaster of the Year. His many years of experience in the industry have taught him what is important when producing high-quality coffee. From the selection of beans to the gentle roasting - Stefan knows that quality and taste are the top priority.

Christiane, on the other hand, comes from the field of competitive sports and has already achieved great success. In her career she became a Paralympic champion and multiple world champion. Her mental strength, discipline and perseverance are qualities that she also brings to her entrepreneurial activities. As an athlete, she knows how important it is to set goals and work in a structured manner - qualities that are also crucial to the success of our company.

One thing that has bothered us for a long time is the lack of sustainability in many coffee packaging. That's why we decided to change this. Coffee bags must have certain properties to protect the coffee from UV rays and oxygen - a protective barrier is essential. Unfortunately, many coffee bags are made from a mixture of plastic and paper, which requires complex separation through chemical processes. However, we have opted for monoplastic, which can be recycled in the yellow bin. With this decision, we want to actively contribute to improving the recycling rate in Germany.

With the perfect pitch to the Sporthilfe Start-Up of the Year

Due to her sporting background, Christiane had the opportunity to take part in the Sporthilfe Start-up Academy. This academy offers athletes and former athletes with a business idea the opportunity to pitch to a renowned jury from the business world and become Start-Up of the Year. In the summer of 2023, we took part together with our business idea and actually won. This made us Sporthilfe Start-Up of the Year 2023, which meant the start of our company for us and gave us a huge boost due to the attention.

Coffee sustainably packaged

Even if it sounds simple at first, a lot of work went into the production development of our coffee bags. Our goal was to give our bags an extraordinary look and thus set us apart from previous coffee bags. We opted for recyclable, resealable coffee bags with an aroma valve to guarantee you the best coffee enjoyment.

Deciding which design direction to go in wasn't easy. Stefan's experience has shown that buyers often search for espresso or filter coffee instead of asking directly for a specific type. That's why we divided our coffee bags into 4 categories:

  • Organic coffee,
  • coffee beans,
  • Espresso beans and
  • Filter coffee.

In each category we offer you different types of coffee, which are attached to the back of your bag using a sticker.

Of course, the stickers are also made of recyclable material.

We carefully select our coffee as a team. Once we have made our decision, we buy the green coffee and have it roasted using a gentle drum roasting process. This process allows the beans to develop their full aroma and achieve a unique taste. Finally, we lovingly package our beans in recyclable and resealable bags that we have designed.

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